“The Road to
Omaha” is a thriller novel by Robert Ludlum. He is nicknamed the Madman but his
real name is General MacKenzie Lochinvar Hawkins. He is a former General in the
United States army. He is bent on hitting back at the US government and fight
for justice for the Wopotami Indians.
The Wopotami
Indians signed a treaty with the US government but for over a hundred (100)
years the terms of the treaty has not seen the light of day. General Hawkins aka
Madman, self proclaimed fighter of the oppressed sets in motion a well thought
out plan though dangerous but he remains undeterred, very characteristic of the
Madman. He indeed shows his through courage and strategy that his title as
General was earned.
There are forces
within the US government who are bent on thwarting the plans of the General.
They will use all means necessary to silence the Madman and his aides including
the respected lawyer Aaron Pinkus, Sunrise Jennifer Redwing and Sam Lansing
This thriller is
full of suspense and humour. “The Road to Omaha” cements Ludlum on a high
pedestal as a Thriller King. The denouement is totally unexpected but realistic.