Monday, 29 October 2012

The First Presidential Debate Between President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney

The First Presidential Debate between President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney was held at the University of Denver,   in Denver, Colorado. The veteran journalist, Jim Lehrer who is the host of PBS NewsHour. It focused on domestic issues ranging from the economy, health care , role of government and governing.

President Obama is the incumbent President and the Democratic  Nominee for President. As an incumbent President he was uncontested for the presidential candidacy of the Democratic Party. Mitt Romney on the other hand went through a gruellling primaries in order to emerge as the Nominee of the Republican Party.

The two presidential candidates are very good debaters and as such it was going to be a great debate. Romney's strategy on the onset was to discredit the record of President Obama whiles Obama tried to defend his record and show how the policies, programmes  and ideas being put forward by Romney was not good enough.

As a typical Democrat Obama presented himself as he has always done as the defender of the poor and the middle class and launched a scathing attack on Romney for favouring tax cut for the very rich. Republicans have always been perceived as the party of the very rich and it is seen as the party of multi millionaires and billionaires. The Republican party is seen as putting forward policies which only benefit the very rich. Obama tried to stick this label on Romney but for the most part he refused to give enough glue to Obama to make it stick.

Romney went for Obama's track record  accusing him of doubling the debt  when he had pledged prior to his election to half it. He tried to discredit Obama as the champion of the poor and middle class, accusing him of burying and crushing the middle class.

Obama consistently accused him of having a 5 trillion dollar tax cut policy and he consistently denied it with eloquence.Though a formidable debater, it seems that the tough primaries and various gruelling debates that Romney  participated in order to secure the nomination sharpened his debating skills. He was therefore a worthy match for the President. The President was good but not at his best. He did not control this debate as he has always done in other debates.The major problem  was that he did not respond at all or effectively enough to a few accusations levelled against him by Romney. One was his accusation that Obama intends to raise taxes which will kill 700,000 jobs  and the other was his accusation of putting 90 billion dollars in green jobs.Obama also did  well in accusing  Romney of his inability to give concrete programmes with details which Romney was ineffective in rebutting. In all it was a great contest, well balanced but Romney was slightly ahead  of the President in this debate.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Dare to Actualize Your Dream

It is not easy to succeed but it is not all too difficult to succeed. You need hope faith , motivation and inspiration as you go along the slippery, winding and confusing road to success. You need to be focused and alert to opportunities. Most importantly you need to know yourself and understand yourself , that is you need to discover yourself.

"Dare to Actualize Your Dream" by Nana Aboagye is the book of the moment. This e book is on Lulu and Kindle. It is to motivate, inspire and guide you along the path of success. It takes a holistic approach to success. This is because there is mental,spiritual and physical dimension to success. All these have to be fulfilled in order that you can be truly successful.

This book is realistic , understandable and easy to read. It is written for everyone who has the will to succeed. It will guide you to be consciously aware of your limitless potential in order to tap into it to create the life you want and live your dream. If you stick to the principles and teachings contained in this book, it will bless your life and make you fulfilled and happy.